Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Taste of Winter

Mother Nature didn't want me to get away without having a taste of winter.  Yesterday there were a few snowflakes, but the ground and pavement were too warm for it accumulate.  By the early evening it began to snow in earnest, and this is what I woke to this morning.

Here on the western side of Cleveland there was just enough snow to cover the ground, perhaps two inches.  However to the east of Cleveland in the "snow belt" lake effect snow is expected to bring up to ten inches of the white stuff.   

Unless we get more snow, I don't think I will even bother with the snowblower, especially since the forecast calls for the temperature to go up to 50 F by Sunday.

I could wish that this will be my only taste of winter, but I know northern Ohio weather too well to count on that.


  1. Wow! We have been having 80's but during the night the temp got down to 36F. Only supposed to get up in mid 70's today. 56F right now at 11AM! That glorious sun will warm it up soon, hopefully. Your photo is a beautiful sight!

    1. Alejandro said that it's been warm and sunny in CDMX, but I'll have to ask him if it got cold last night. Right now, it's 24F here.
