

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I Just Want to Scream!

When I go into a Walmart in Mexico City, I have never feared that some gunman is going to walk in and start shooting people.  Nor have I had any fears when I go to a movie theater or an outdoor music performance in Mexico.  I do not worry that there will be a mass shooting at the school which Alejandro's nephew Ezra attends.
So when I hear individuals or the media portray Mexico as a dangerous place I just want to scream!  After the horrific events of last weekend, just the latest in a long, long line of senseless killings, I feel as if I am safer in Mexico than here in the U.S.

A Republican state representative from Ohio posted a list of causes for the mass shootings... among them drag queens and gay marriage.  What an utterly idiotic comment!  Again, I want to scream when I hear the lunacy of some people who are in our government.

The Republicans offer their "thoughts and prayers".  Enough with the "thoughts and prayers".  As many in the audience chanted when the Ohio governor spoke at a vigil for the Dayton victims, "DO SOMETHING!"

In the case of the El Paso massacre, the cause is clear.  The shooter was a white supremacist.  Now anyone who has studied U.S. history knows that racism is nothing new and that it has raised its ugly head time and time again in this country.  The orange "Pendejo" made a statement decrying white supremacists.  Sorry, "Pendejo", too little, too late.  You have shown your true colors since long before the election.  Your constant statements and tweets demeaning Hispanics, blacks and Muslims have clearly demonstrated the kind of person you are.  You have emboldened the racists in this country to act out on their hatred.

I am truly ashamed of my nation. 


  1. Here are some interesting stats. 35MILLION US tourists to Mexico in 2017, last year I could get the count. Of that number, there were 78 deaths. Throughout the world, US citizens killed in other countries totaled 238 of which the 78 are part. People are safer NOT being in the US. Just a little info I thought you would appreciate. I'm happy this side of the border.
    As you know, in the 45 years I have been in Mexico doing business or living, traveling always alone, I have NEVER had an unpleasant encounter or ever felt afraid. Can't say the same for the USA.

    1. Have you noticed any change in attitude since El Paso? Alejandro said that there are some... a very small minority, I am sure... that are painting all "gringos" as a bunch of racists.

  2. Did you see that Uruguay and Venezuela have issued travel warnings about the US for their citizens? https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/08/06/americas/venezuela-uruguay-travel-warnings-us/index.html They cite gun violence and hate crimes as being the reasons why. Way to go, 'Murica.

    1. Venezuela has no room to talk, but it's sad when Uruguay, one of the most stable and democratic nations of Latin America, is warning its citizens about the U.S.
