Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's a Miracle!

The Mexican election is over, but the city was covered in tens of thousands, I would dare say hundreds of thousands, of campaign posters and banners.  There were multiple posters on every utility pole, banners were strung from light posts, they were hung across streets and from bridges.  As I said in an earlier post, it was "poster pollution".

There is a law that election signs must be removed immediately after the election, but both Alejandro and I figured that it would be months before this massive amount of unsightly propaganda would be gone.

Yesterday, two days after the election, Alejandro was driving me from the family house back to the apartment.  It suddenly dawned on us that the posters and banners were gone... or at least 95% of them had disappeared.

Insurgentes Avenue without election posters!

It must have taken an army of workers to remove them.  Or perhaps there is some election fairy who waves her wand in the middle of the night, and says, "Begone, poster pollution!"

Once again, the posters that you see are those advertising apartments for rent or sale.



  1. I admire countries that permit posters, etc, for a very limited time only before the election, not starting 1 day after the previous election!

    1. Not much to admire. For weeks the streets looked utterly trashy with an overabundance of posters everywhere. There was not a light or utility pole that was not covered in multiple posters. And I am still seeing some that were not taken down.
