Saturday, February 17, 2024

"Tropical" Mexico

Winter is the dry season in Mexico, and I can't remember the last time that we have had any precipitation.  However, last night it started to rain, and it continued steadily into the morning.  The temperature turned chillier too, and even this afternoon it has barely reached a high of 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Alejandro has a friend who is a mountain climber who works as a guide for visitors wishing to hike up the slopes of Mexico's peaks.  (I've shown you photos that he has taken in some earlier posts.)  This morning, he was going to take some people up to Iztaccíhuatl, a dormant volcano and the third highest mountain in Mexico.  They drove from Mexico City to "el Paso de Cortés".  The paved highway ends at the 11,000-foot-high pass between Iztaccíhuatl and the active volcano Popocatépetl.  They reached the pass only to find that the mountain was closed to all hiking and climbing due to weather conditions.

Here are a few wintry images that he sent to Alejandro...



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