Monday, January 2, 2023

A New Year's Day Tradition


I always spend New Year's Eve quietly at home, but New Year's Day has long been one of my favorite days.  For quite a few years it has been a tradition to spend the day at the home of my friends Katie and Olivier, and their children Nina and Christian.  Katie used to be a colleague of mine in the foreign language department, and she still teaches French, although at a different high school.  Her husband is originally from France.  It is hard to believe that their daughter is now a senior in college, and that their son is a junior in high school.

Katie is a great cook, and we always have a delicious afternoon dinner, and way too much to eat.  We then do a post-Christmas exchange of presents.  (I enjoy shopping in Mexico to find gifts for all of them.)  I always show them the DVD of pictures from my latest trip to Mexico.  And there is a late-night supper, as if we were in need of more food.  It was midnight before I headed home.

If all goes according to plan, by this time next year I will have moved permanently to Mexico.  Although I will surely make occasional trips back to Ohio to see all my friends, this was our last New Year's Day together.   I have no misgivings about moving to Mexico, but I will miss my friends, and I will miss our annual January 1st tradition.


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