Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Up Before Dawn

Back home I usually get out of bed around 6:00 A.M.  My first morning here in Mexico City was no different.  Alejandro drives his sister to work at six, and when I heard him shutting the garage door this morning, I got up.  Shortly afterwards I climbed up to the roof of his house.  (The flat roofs of Mexican homes are called "azoteas", and there are steps to get up there.  Many Mexican housewives hang out their laundry up there.) 

Looking down on Alejandro's street from the "azotea"

The tower of the Mexico City Mormon Temple, just a few blocks away from his house, was still illuminated.

My reason for going up to the roof was to see if there would a nice view of the two volcanoes, Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl, that are located to the east of the city.  You may remember that on some of my previous trips I have taken some cool photos of the two mountains silhouetted against the pre-dawn sky.  I had no such luck this morning.  The volcanoes were shrouded in clouds.  However I did get this rather pretty picture of the early morning sky.


  1. Perhaps you can do a bit of gardening up there to grow some flowers and vegetables for the family.

    1. No, I really wouldn't want to climb those somewhat scary steps up to the roof on a regular basis. I will be content with a few house plants here in the apartment when I move.
