Sunday, May 1, 2022

It's May

May 1st is Labor Day in Mexico.  Most holidays are celebrated on Mondays, giving people a three-day weekend.  However Labor Day is one of a few holidays that are observed on the actual date, so that means no long weekend.  And since May 1st falls on a Sunday, there is not even a day off for most people this year.  Tomorrow is a regular work day.

On the calendar that I made for 2022, the photograph for the month of May is of the gardens of Hampton Court in England.

I went to Hampton Court Palace back in 2014, the last time I traveled to England to visit my cousins.  The palace is located a short distance from London.  It was built in 1514 by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, and was later given as a gift by the Cardinal to King Henry VIII.  It was one of Henry's favorite residences.

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