Sunday, April 10, 2022

What Kind of Plant Is This?

As I was walking around Alejandro's neighborhood, I saw this plant which I had never seen before.

At first I though that it was a member of the cactus family because the branches are covered with long, sharp spines.  However, unlike a cactus, there are leaves at the end of each branch.  The plant was flowering, and, as you can see, the blossom is quite pretty and unusual.

Does anyone know what kind of plant this is?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for that information! I had never seen one before.

  2. You can right click your mouse and go to the bottom link "Search Image with Google Lens" to see more pictures of Crown of Thorns. Apt blooming time near Good Friday.

    1. OK, I tried doing what you suggested. I did not have a link saying "search image with Google Lens", but I did have a link "search the web for image".

  3. You have a different type of phone, but as long as you're able to ID pictures, it doesn't matter how you do it!

    1. No, remember I'm a dinosaur. I didn't use my phone at all! :-)

    2. I should have said "computer." That's where I usually encounter pictures to ID. It makes me angry when people post a photo on Facebook with no identification what-so-ever.
