Thursday, March 3, 2022

In Memory of a Great Teacher

Going through the pile of mail that had accumulated at home during my trip to Mexico, I came upon a card that deeply saddened me.  It was from the wife of one of my favorite high school teachers, and she wanted to let me know that her husband had recently passed away.

Barry Harbison was my 10th grade World History teacher.  

A photo from my high school yearbook

I had always wanted to be a teacher since the first day of school, but from 10th grade on, I wanted to be a World History teacher just like Mr. Harbison.  In the 11th and 12th grades I was his teacher's aide.  I graded papers for him and put up bulletin boards in his classroom.  He even let me write tests.  After he received his Master's Degree in guidance, he transitioned from the social studies department, and eventually was a full-time member of the guidance department.

Of course, as it turned out, I ended up being a Spanish teacher, but Mr. Harbison definitely was an influence on my teaching style.  

He was an excellent teacher and guidance counselor and a wonderful person.  He will be missed by his family, and the many people whose lives he touched.  I am grateful to have been one of those people.

 The photo from the obituary
Barry Harbison

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