

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Snowy Dawn

It continued to snow after I wrote yesterday's post.  We received several more inches of snow.  This was the view from my bedroom window when I woke up this morning.

The snow looks pretty.  When I sent pictures to my Mexican friends yesterday, Alejandro's sister responded that it looked like something out of a movie.  However only after it has melted will we know the full extent of the damage to trees and shrubberies done by this wet, heavy snowfall.

Yesterday I posted a picture of the large tree branch that was bent to the ground in my back yard.  Upon closer inspection I can see that the branch is partially broken.  If I were twenty years younger, I might have tackled the job myself, but when the snow melts later this week, I am going to call professionals to take care of it.

Looking across the street it appears that a neighbor lost an entire tree.

Now, if you will excuse me, I must go outside and brush away the snow from the gutters before it forms damaging ice dams.

1 comment:

  1. When the Berea crew was on the street cutting off dangerous limbs, they said they still had 800 homes on their list to be visited before they could make the rounds to pick up limbs people had put on their tree lawns. This was just the sort of snow we could have expected in 2020!
