

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Switzerland's National Holiday

Even though my ancestry is only one eighth Swiss, I have long felt an affinity toward Switzerland.  I always wanted to travel there and see the beautiful Alpine scenery.  However, ever since  my genealogical research connected me with distant cousins in Switzerland, that affinity has increased.  I have made three trips there and hope to make many more.  I have not only had a chance to see some of the country's natural wonders, and experience some of its culture, but also, most importantly, to be with family.  As distant as the connection is, they have all welcomed me with open arms, and they have become very dear to me. 

So, feeling as if I were an honorary citizen of Switzerland, I would like to wish everyone a very happy Swiss National Day.  August 1st is the Swiss equivalent of our Fourth of July.  In early August of 1291, in the meadow of Rutli above Lake Lucerne, three Swiss cantons, Schwyz, Uri, and Unterwald. swore an oath of confederation.  Over time, more cantons joined the confederacy  (present day Switzerland consists of 26 cantons.), but that Federal Charter of 1291 is considered to be the founding document of Switzerland.

The holiday was not celebrated until 1891, and it was not an official holiday until 1996.

Happy birthday, Switzerland!


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