

Monday, June 29, 2020

The Irresponsibles

(image taken from the web)

Every time I hear the whiners complaining that wearing a mask is an infringement on their liberty, my blood boils.  Freedom is never absolute; it is always coupled with responsibility.  Freedom of speech ends when one incites panic or violence.  Freedom of religion does not give one license to go on a religious "jihad".   I should not have to worry about catching a potentially lethal virus because some idiot doesn't want to cover his / her face.  

Up to forty percent of all infections are spread by people who are asymptomatic or who have not yet displayed symptoms.  While they proudly go around uncovered, they could be spreading the virus to others, including vulnerable loved ones.  

Most European countries have brought their numbers down while in the U.S. the cases are spiking again.  Although here in Ohio it is not nearly as bad as in the sun-belt hot spots, we are seeing an alarming increase.  And, NO, medical experts are in agreement that the surge is NOT simply due to increased testing.

I wonder how these cry-babies would have survived in earlier eras.  The sacrifice of wearing a face mask is nothing compared to what their grandparents endured during World War II or the Great Depression!


  1. I like the analogy of wearing a seat belt. That doesn't impinge on your liberties, then how does a mask? Also I've seen a similar point made about drunk driving.

    These whiny brats need to put on their big person pants and grow the heck up.

    1. Absolutely, Kathryn.
      Of course, there was also a segment of the population that was vociferously opposed to mandatory use of seatbelts. Some people are just like little children who don't want to follow any rules.

  2. I'm livid that we haven't been able to get this under control. A few months ago I read a book about the 1918 flu pandemic, and it's incredibly frustrating seeing us make the same mistakes. Not only should we know better this time around due to better science, but it's a complete failure in leadership to not have consistent, non-politicized messaging to get people to take simple actions that are known to slow the spread of disease. All the time in lockdown was completely wasted because it only ended up delaying what now seems inevitable.

    1. "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it" - philosopher George Santayana.

      And "Herr Pendejo" in the White House knows nothing of history.
