Friday, February 14, 2020

Green Roma

On Wednesday I found a rather unusual place in the neighborhood of Roma.  It is called "Huerto Roma Verde"... Green Roma Garden.

Apparently this lot had been empty and abandoned ever since the 1985 earthquake.  In 2012 the space was rehabilitated as a community center with an emphasis on ecology and sustainability.  Workshops on the environment are given here.

There is a garden and a greenhouse where herbs and vegetables are grown organically.
The tower in the center of the garden was built of recycled materials.

There is a recycling center.

This structure, with a palm tree growing in the middle of it is made of water jugs.

There is a workshop where traditional wooden toys are made and sold.

Out on the street, on the walls surrounding the garden, there is some interesting street art.

The whole facility looks rather ramshackled.  Perhaps because it is winter the gardens looked empty and untended.  But if the volunteers who work here are doing their small part to help the environment the project is to be applauded.

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