

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Big Garden

We have gone three days without rain!  Saturday I couldn't do any work in the garden because rain the night before had turned the back yard into a swamp once again.  Yesterday, however, after eight hours of work, I was able to complete the largest of my flower beds.

The main problem area is to the side of this garden along the border with my neighbor's property.  It is a low area, and with all the rain that we have been receiving, it has been a pond for most of the month of June.  The standing water finally has dried up (until the next rain), but it is still a muddy mess.  It is the only route that my neighbor can take to get his lawn mower to his front yard, so there are deep ruts.  

I have been elevating some of the area on my side of the border with top soil, and I have started planting grass seed along the edge of the bed.  But since my neighbor weekly has to run his big riding mower through there, I don't know how he will ever be able to repair the ruts on his side of the property line.

I am now working on the flower bed along the other side of my yard.  It is pretty big too. Tomorrow is supposed to be another day of sunshine, and I will be out there working most of the day.  Then on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the forecast calls for more rain!

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