

Thursday, February 14, 2019

For Valentine's Day

You may remember that at Christmas time I wrote that Mexico City's main plaza, the Zócalo, was decorated with a floral display of poinsettias.  Yesterday I was downtown, and I saw worker busy setting out flowers just in time for Valentine's Day, which here is often called the Day of Love and Friendship.

Outlines of hearts had been drawn on the pavement of the Zócalo, and the workers were filling those in with potted flowers and plants.  

A webcam view of the plaza at sunrise this morning, taken from http://www.webcamsdemexico.com, shows that the Valentine's Day display is complete.


  1. Replies
    1. I really like what the new city government has been doing with the Zócalo.

    2. I had thought about asking you about that in my comment. (hehe) I also really like your post about it today, getting to see the finished product along with the photo exhibition.
