

Monday, November 5, 2018

Hasta Luego!

Today Nancy and Fred said farewell to Mexico City, and as I write this they are probably boarding their plane.

This morning after going out for breakfast  (at an IHOP, since it was close to their hotel, and it opens early), I accompanied them to the airport and saw them off.  I returned back to the apartment via the airport Metrobus line.

Yesterday as we walking through the crowded downtown, I said to Fred that I find Mexico City exhausting and yet exhilarating.  He said that he has been exhausted for the last ten days, and yet he has wakened each morning eager to see more.  Mexico City probably would have never been a travel destination for them if I were not here.  But I think they had a great time.   

By the way... I still have more to write about their trip!

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