Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sculpture Boulevard

On Tuesday I was going to visit the Anthropology Museum, but before reaching my destination, I saw that there was a display of bronze sculptures along the Paseo de la Reforma, the boulevard that runs past the museum.  A few months ago there was an outdoor exhibit of sculptures by Salvador Dalí in this same place.  This time the display is of the work of another surrealistic artist, Leonora Carrington.

Carrington was a painter, sculptor and novelist.  She was born in England, but spent most of her adult life in Mexico.  She died in 2011 at the age of 94 and was one of the last surviving members of the surrealistic movement.

I find her work to be bizarre (isn't surrealism by its very definition bizarre?) but very interesting.  The display of her sculptures is an appropriate follow-up to the earlier Dalí exhibit.  Here are a few of her creations sitting right along the boulevard.


  1. I especially like the elongated cat with human hands. Compelling.
    The show stopper is the metal fence running in the background.
    Would look great around my yard. Modern, timeless, gorgeous.

    This woman's works stand up well in the public arena. No small feat.

    1. The fence in the background is the fence surrounding the National Anthropology Museum.
      Carrington's sculptures are definitely interesting and skillfully executed.

  2. Carrington's sculptures are quite imaginative. At least one of them, the third one down in your post, was originally on display at the Atrio de San Francisco, along Calle Madera. My favorite, though, is the drummer, fifth one down.

    Saludos de Gringolandia!
