Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Moon Over Sognefjord

Last night I stepped out from the hotel around 10:30 just to see how dark the sky was.  At this northern latitude the summer days are long.  I am not really in the "Land of the Midnight Sun" since I am not above the Arctic Circle, and since summer is drawing to a close, the days are growing shorter.  Nevertheless, the darkness of night comes much later here than in Ohio at this time of year.

What I did not expect to see was a nearly full moon reflected in the waters of the Sognefjord.

 A beautiful conclusion to a beautiful day!


  1. Wow! What a beautiful scene!

    1. Thanks, Meredith. "Wow!" is exactly what I said to myself as I stepped out of the hotel and saw this.

  2. The world is full of so many "wows" in spite of a lot of sad things. The wows make being here all worth it.
