

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Welcome to My Garden (Part One)

I am declaring my gardening finished for the summer!  Well, of course a garden is never really finished.  There is always weeding, watering, and primping to be done.  But the major work is now completed.  So let me give you a tour my gardens.

I have written about the big empty space at the side of the garage that was left after I removed an overgrown shrub.  That is now filled in.

Yesterday I went to another nursery and bought another bush and some more perennials.  This morning I planted them.

I bought a bush called a "summersweet" (1.)  It will grow to a height of around three feet, and it has white flowers in the summer.  (It has a lot of buds on it now.)   The ornamental onion (2.) also has buds on it, and it is supposed to bloom all summer long.   The aster (3.) will have pink flowers in the fall.  And finally, the balloon flower (4.) will have bluish-purple flowers during the summer.

At the corner of the garage I have a variety of day lilies.  These yellow and red lilies are the showiest of all.

Behind the garage the phlox has begun to bloom.

Moving to the front yard, this garden along the driveway gets partial sun.  I have a variety of sun-loving and shade-loving plants there... from ferns and hostas to coreopsis.  They all seem to be happy there.

This flowering plant, which grows to a height of three feet, is called a geum.  Many years ago had a lot of them in my garden, but then they got some sort of disease and shriveled up.  I thought that I had pulled them all out, but a couple years ago they started to reappear.  This year they are everywhere!  I sprayed them with a fungicide, so I hope that they will remain healthy.

In the flower boxes under the oak tree in the front I always plant tuberous begonias.

This island in the front yard has a variety of flowers and bushes.  There are more day lilies and the geums have appeared here too.  There is a dwarf lilac as well as a rose of Sharon.  I have creeping phlox (very pretty in the spring), and obedient plants, which will bloom in the late summer. 

And there are six rose bushes.  After the severe winter a couple years ago I had to replace several of the roses.  The past winter was very mild, and they all seem to be doing well.

Heading to the patio at the back of the house, the annuals that I put in pots and in the flower box are all growing.

Last year I bought two jasmine bushes for the patio.  I brought them in the house over the winter.  They not only survived, but they have gone crazy with long vining shoots.  I had to put trellises in the pots.  Now I am waiting for them to start blooming.

As I was taking pictures, clouds started rolling in, and we received some much needed rain.  So I will continue the garden tour in my next post.


  1. You DEFINITELY are a gardener at heart. I love all your combinations and the shapes of your flower beds. I so miss having day lilies. I had bazillions in Texas, but have had no luck with them in Mexico! Lovely, lovely gardens Bill.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. It has taken many years to get the garden to this point.

  2. Yes, your garden is absolutely beautiful! I can only dream of having a lush garden like that. (My sister Michele has a green thumb, but me, not so much. I struggle to keep a few tomato plants alive each summer.)

    1. Thank you, Meredith. It is a lot of work, and don't know how I managed to do it back before I retired.
