Monday, June 2, 2014

Breaking News

The big news from here in Spain is that King Juan Carlos unexpectedly abdicated the throne today in favor of his son Crown Prince Felipe.  The transfer of power will occur in the next four to six weeks, and the Prince will become King Felipe VI.  Juan Carlos is 76 years old, and has ruled since 1975 when the dicatator Francisco Franco died.  Juan Carlos played an important role in the transformation of Spain into a democratic constitutional monrachy.

This evening as we were walking around downtown Madrid, we saw demonstrations in reaction to the abdication on the Puerta del Sol and in front of the opera house.  We avoided the crowds, but I saw a couple of signs, and they were in favor of the monarchy.  Felipe is very popular.  His approval rating (70%) is higher than that of his father.

(image from the web)

 Crown Prince Felipe


  1. You ARE witnessing history! How exciting..........

    1. In the U.S. media it doesn't seem to be that big of a story, but obviously it is here... and I suspect it is in Mexico too.

    2. I heard the news yesterday, and immediately thought that what was happening was one of the most important moments in history. Many people in Mexico are following the events after the announcement, but in general I don't think that many will continue to be interested. Also, important and decisive economic reforms are going to be discussed within a few days, but I'm afraid nobody will pay any attention because most people will be busy watching the games of the World Cup. I hate to say that millions of Mexicans just don't care about anything but football soccer, and while our economy is being decided our eyes are fixed on the TV screen. When we finally turn off the TV it will be too late.

    3. Tino, I fear that what you say could be applied to more than just the Mexicans.

  2. I was in Italy when Berlusconi was first elected in 2001. I really felt I was there at a transformative time.
