Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ta-Da! The Painting is Finished

Today I finished my painting which is entitled "Valley of Mexico - Tribute to José María Velasco".  I hope that it will bring in a good sum at the charity auction.

I used to participate in several shows each year with a local fine arts club.  But setting up at the outdoor shows was becoming just too much work.  Now I only show my work at the club's indoor "Holiday Show" which is held in a church just around the corner from where I live.  I occasionally sell a painting, but most of my sales are of hand-painted Christmas ornaments.  I have been so busy traveling the last few years that I have only been doing two paintings per year...  my annual Christmas card, and a painting for the charity auction.


  1. Wow! That's a very impressive painting. I hope the charity gets a pretty penny for it.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we're still trying to get used to the combination of daylight savings time and snow.

    1. Thanks, Kim. I hope so too. This is my fourth year of donating a painting to the auction. It would be great if there were some fierce bidding, and it went for hundreds of dollars. Even though everyone at the auction tells me how much they like my paintings... buying a painting is another story. I have no room for it, the colors don't go with my rooms, etc., etc. In the past the paintings have sold for between $100 and $150. I also on my trips to Mexico always buy some handicrafts to donate to their silent auction. This year I have a bunch of artisanal soaps, lotions, etc. from Mexico, and I'm going to make up a basket of those.

  2. Fabulous! I'm envious of your talent! That should go for a thousand dollars or more......goodness gracious.
    What a tribute to Jose Maria Velasco........

    1. Thanks, Babs. But it will probably go for $100-$150. lol

  3. Well, agree with Babs.
    I hope Jane enjoy this new one. Lol.

    1. LOL. I doubt if there will be anyone at the auction willing to pay $1000!!

  4. I'm with Barbara. It's worth WAY more than $150.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we'd be THRILLED to be able to paint like that.

    1. Thanks. I guess that you and Babs will just have to come to the auction and start a bidding war. lol
      The first time that I donated a painting to the auction, my friend Jane (the one who was in Yucatan with me this winter) accompanied me to the auction. No one was bidding, so she put in a bid. Then someone else bid, and Jane thought, "Now we got the ball rolling". She bid again and was stuck with the painting. Well, not really stuck, since she liked it, and it's now hanging in her dining room.
      Two years ago another friend who went with me to the auction got my painting, but he was really interested in purchasing one of my works.
      Last year, my painting actually went to someone I didn't know!
