

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Shopping Expedition

As much as I love Mexican handicrafts, after so many trips to Mexico I don't need any more souvenirs.  But I like to buy a few things for friends.  I also like to buy a few handicrafts to donate to an organization called "Los Amigos de las Americas".  "Los Amigos" is a non-profit group which sends high school students to do volunteer work in Latin American countries each summer.  Many years ago one of my students became involved with "Los Amigos", and spent a summer in Costa Rica teaching dental hygiene to children there.  Every spring the northeastern Ohio chapter of  "Los Amigos" has an auction to raise money for their projects.  For several years I have been buying some items on my travels for their auction.  (And it gives me an excuse to do some shopping!)

My plan for the day was to take the metro to the San Juan Handicrafts Market, and then from there to walk a few blocks to La Cuidadela Market.

I got off the metro at the "Salto de Agua" station which gets its name from the nearby colonial fountain.

From there it was a fifteen minute walk to the "Mercado de San Juan".

Admittedly a lot of the merchandise in the market is "tourist junk", but there are also some nice genuine Mexican handicrafts.  The black pottery from Oaxaca is a favorite of mine.

Even though quite a few of the stalls were closed because it was Monday, I found everything I wanted, and I did not have to go to the other market.

One of the items that I bought for "Los Amigos" was a nice piece of lacquer ware from the village of Olinalá in the Mexican state of Guerrero.

If you are interested in learning more about "Los Amigos", here is a link to their website...
Los Amigos de las Americas 


  1. How interesting. I was an Amigos volunteer in 1973 and 1974. That was my first experience outside of the U.S. And it was a life-changer. It's a great organization. I am glad to learn that you are a supporter.

  2. Yes, it is a great organization. In what country did you do your volunteer work? Although I was never a volunteer, I can relate to your comment that it was a life changing experience. The 10 weeks that I spent studying in Mexico (about the same that you were volunteering) were a life-changer for me. It's a shame that more young people can't have similar experiences. We would live in a much more enlightened society if it were so.

  3. I didn't know Amigos still existed, but earlier today I saw an ad for the organization here on a city bus. And then I read your post. Also, the lacquer ware tray is beautiful! When's the auction? :-)

    1. Hola, Meredith! Yes, Los Amigos is still around. Their auction is usually held in early April out at a country club near Kent. In addition to the souvenirs, I also do a painting to donate. I can send you the information later if you're interested in attending,
